Jumat, 06 Februari 2009

Secret at the opposite of seven name of day


say of God with the meaning : " And asks to Bani israil about country which located in near by lau when they impinges order at saturday, time comes to fish fish them ( is residing in around) they is afloat on the surface of water, and in days which is not Saturday the fishs doesn't come to them . Like This We try caused them to apply fasiq ( S.Al-A'raf : 163).

in history from bin moslem Abdullah s(he receives hadits from Sa'id bin Jubair, while Sa'id receives hadits from Anas bin Malik ra. s(he says : Rasulullah SAW, have ever asked about ( event of the) by seven days, hence he(she answers :

the Saturday is trickery day and deception. Then the friends enquired : " What the Saturday told as trickery day and deception yes Rasulullah ? ".

Rasulullah SAW answers: because at day Saturday people quraisy does stratagem in darun Nadwah. As told by God in Alqur'an, with the meaning:

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